Textmate Source Embedding

Allows syntax highlighting and other features for source code embedded in text documents like HTML, MultiMarkDown, Pandoc, Markdown, etc. in TextMate.

View the Project on GitHub TimothyXu/TextMate_Source_Embedding

TextMate Source Embedding

Allows TextMate to recognise source code embedded in text markups like HTML, MultiMarkDown, Pandoc, Markdown and etc. so that syntax highlighting and other features can be achieved.




#Example code
def test(): pass


Example Code


This bundle only makes TextMate recognise source code in your text markups, it will not make such source code to be recognised and rendered correctly by your HTML/Markup parsers. HOWEVER, the brilliant utility Pandoc (and also GitHub's own markup parser) recognises the syntax used by this bundle and will render your code correctly and can output via LaTeX, HTML, EPUB, docx, and so on. This is especially convenient when combined with the Pandoc TextMate Bundle.


Please see LICENCE. Credit is due to Nick Dunn's excellent post which gave me the idea for this bundle.


All contributions are welcomed.